Dental Miracle App

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-Android app in maintainence for next version

Thursday, 16 April 2020


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ž 1918 Custer- use of electric current for working length
ž 1942 Suzuki- conducted scientific study of apex locator
ž 1960 Sunada- found electrical resistance between periodontium & oral mucous membrane
ž 1969 Inove- significant contribution in evolution of EAL with his reports on Sono-Explorer
ž 1996 McDonald & Pratten- done experiments in cadaver

ž By McDonald- depends on:
                Type of current flow
                Opposition to current flow
                Number of frequencies involved
·       Ist generation apex locator
·       IInd generation apex locator
·       IIIrd generation apex locator
·       IVrth generation apex locator

ž Known as Resistance apex locator
ž Measure opposition to flow of direct current or resistance
ž Based on the principle that resistance offered by periodontal ligament & oral mucous membrane is the same i.e. 6.5k ohm

ž Turn on the device & attach the lip clip near the arch being treated
ž Hold 15 no. file & insert it 0.5mm into sulcus of tooth
ž Adjust the control knob until the reference needle is centred on the meter scale & produces audible beep
ž Note this reading
ž Prepare the access cavity & apply rubber dam
ž Using preoperative radiograph estimate the working canal width
ž Insert the file into canal
ž Take the radiograph with file in place at the length indicated by apex locator
ž Objective information with accuracy
ž Used where radiograph cannot be used accurately
1.Maxillary molar (due to zygomatic process)
2.Mandibular molar (due to mandibular tori)
ž Patients with gag reflux
ž Wrong readings due to:
1. low battery
 2. wet canal
 3. tissue present in canal
 4. too narrow canal

ž Known as impedance locator
ž Measure opposition to alternating current or impedance
ž Various apex locators are
       Apex finder
       Endo analyser
       Formatron IV

ž Root canal has to be free of elecroconductive material to obtain accurate readings
ž Presence of tissue & electroconductive irrigants lead to inaccurate measurements
ž Pilot & Pitts reported that:
·        5.25% sod. Hypochlorite solution
·        14.45% EDTA solution
·         normal saline solution are conductive
ž This creates a “catch 22” situation
ž Not all apex locators have the degree of sophostication in electronic circuitry that adjust its sensitivity to compensate for intracanal environment
ž Frequency dependent apex locator.
ž Based on the fact that different site in canal give difference in impedance between high (8khz) & low(400hz) frequences.
ž Difference in impedance is least in the coronal part of the canal.
ž As the probe goes deeper difference increases.
ž Also known as “comparative impedance” because they measure relative magnitudes of impedance which are converted into “length” information.

1.Endexby Yamaoka
ž The original IIIrd generation apex locator
ž It measures impedance between two currents
ž Operates most accurately when the canal is filled with electrolyte: sod. hypochlorite
2. Neosono ultima apex locator

ž  Works best in the presence of sod. Hypochlorite
ž   It is attached with pulp tester, it is called Co-pilot.
ž Uses multiple frequencies & comparative impedance principles
ž Accurate regardless of irrigants or fluid in the canal
ž It has a LCD panel that indicates the distance of the instrument tip from the apical foramen in 0.1mm increments
ž The display has a ‘canal condition indicator’ that reflects canal wetness/dryness & allow the user to improve canal conditions 
ž Uses dual frequency & comparative impedance principle
ž Simultaneously measures two impedances at two frequencies inside the canal
ž A microprocessor in the device calculates the ratio of the two impedances
ž The quotient of impedance is displayed on LCD panel & represents the position of the instrument tip inside the canal
ž Requires no adjustment or calliberation
ž Can be used when the canal is either empty or moist
ž Easy to read LCD
ž Allows shaping & cleaning of the root canal with simultaneous of the working length
ž Iv-th generation apex locators
ž They measure resistance & capacitance separately rather than the resultant impedance value.
ž There can be different combination of values of capacitance & resistance that provides same impedance,resulting in same reading.
ž The IV- generation apex locators broken this to primary components & measures seperately for better accuracy & less chance for occurance of errors.

Tri Auto ZX
ž Cordless electric endodontic handpiece with a built in Root ZX apex locator
ž Handpiece uses Ni-Ti rotory instruments that rotate at 280-320 rpm
ž It has 3 automatic safety mechanisms
 1. Auto - start – stop mechanism:-
ž      handpiece starts rotation when the instrument enters the canal & stops when it is removed
2. Auto – torque – reverse mechanism:-
ž     handpiece automatically stops & reverses rotation when the torque threshold (30gm/cm) is exceed
 Sofy ZX
ž Monitor the location of file tip during all instrumentation                  
ž Minimizes the danger of over instrumentation
ENDY 7000
ž Reverses the rotation when the tip reaches apical constriction.
ž Basic condition of  accuracy of electronic   apex locators
ž Canal should be free from debris & tissue
ž Apex locators works best in a relatively dry environment but extremely dry canal may lead to low readings
ž Excess fluids must be removed from the chamber
ž If residual fluid is present in the canal it should be of low conductivity value
ž Descending order of conductivity of irrigating solutions5.25% NaOCl >17% EDTA> saline
ž Proper contact of file with canal wall & peri apex
ž No blockage & calcification in the canal

Uses of apex locator
ž Provide objective information with high degree of accuracy
ž Useful in conditions where apical portion is obstructed by anatomical structures like tori, exostoses
ž In patients with gag reflex
ž Pregnant patients
ž Root perforation, resorption, root fracture
ž Pulp vitality
ž RCT of teeth with incomplete root formation
ž Accurate
ž Objective measurements
ž Easy & fast
ž Reduction of exposure to radiation
ž Can detect resorption & root fracture
ž Perforations can be detected
ž Patients with cardiac pace maker
ž Teeth with necrotic pulp
ž Working length can be accurately measured by combination of various technique such as tactile sense, radiography etc
ž Electronic apex locator provide accurate readings  and  serve as an important diagnostic tool
ž Text book of endodontics-Ingle
ž Text book of endodontics-Nisha Garg

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