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Saturday, 18 April 2020

Bite Registration Of Functional Appliance

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Functional  appliances  act  by  changing  the  spatial  relationship  of  the mandible  in  relation  to maxilla. This  is accomplished by  the means of  forward  repositioning of the mandible by making a  CONSTRUCTION BITE
      Bite registration means  register  the bite by  intermaxillary wax record used to relate mandible to maxilla in the three dimensions of space. For  the  success  functional  appliance  --  Determination  of  the  proper  construction bite is critical 
      Even with great attention to the diagnostic assessment , the functional pattern, Depth of overbite, Relative position of maxilla to cranial base, Amount of sagittal discrepancy, direction of growth  are important for this determination
      Some principles should be clearly understood  and  if  these principles are  followed  ,  it  is  possible  describes  the  positioning  of  mandible  in  three  planes of space  like sagittal , vertical and transverse

         Even with  great  attention  to  the  diagnostic  assessment  ,  the  functional  pattern, Depth of overbite, Relative position of maxilla to cranial base, Amount of sagittal  discrepancy, direction of growth  are important for this determination  .
          Some  principles  should  be  clearly  understood   and  if  these  principles  are
followed , it is possible describes the positioning of mandible in three planes
of space

Amount of vertical opening of construction bite is still a subject of considerable controversy. The vertical  opening  varies from small, medium and large.  Based on clinician and type of appliances

Based  On Three Major Considerations
·        Kind of dysgnathic  problem (  Sagittal and vertical relationship , morphogenic  growth pattern ) 
·         Developmental state,  and age of the patient (potential incremental changes)
·         Type of functional appliance

 1. Class II div 1 Malocclusion  
·         Depend on how much   anterior  posturing  is  necessary  to  establish  normal  sagittal relation ship
·        Vertical opening : 1 to 4 mm  in incisal area 
·        If only small or no anterior mandibular position  is needed  : Vertical opening  should be raised more and vice versa 
2. Class II div 1 Malocclusion  with Excessive overbite
With  severe  curve  of  spee  +  Lower  incisors  over  erupted   impinging  palatal mucosa  and  are  significantly  retruded  with  regard  to  upper  incisors  sagittal  discrepancy as width of whole premolar 

2. Class II div 1 Malocclusion  with Excessive overbite
Construction bite should not be higher than  a vertical end to end  incisal relation because  the  inter-occlusal  distance  in  molar region  with  infraocclusion  of  molar   and supra  occlusion  of  lower  incisor  might  be  exceeds  7  mm  ,  which   would  excessive  because  of  possible  lateral  spread  of  tongue Labial capping of lower incisors to continue intrusive action and decrease undesirable labial tipping 

 3. Class II div 2 Malocclusion

·        With  deep  overbite  :  1.5   to  3 mm  between   incisal  edges  to  the most lingually inclined incisor
         Mixed dentition  :  4  to  7 mm interincisal opening
         Severe class II div II cases  in permanent dentition  : up to 9 mm opening
 Bite can be opened so far in Class II div 2 cases
·        Improves   the  maxillary  incisor   inclination  because  anterior  end  of  palatal plane tipped up
·        Reduce  deep  bite  because  lower  incisors  are  under  intrusive  action  as maxillary base rotates upward  and  forward
 4. Class III cases
·        1.5  to  3 mm between  incisal edges to correct the anterior cross bite
·        Lower jaw is manipulated as far posteriorly as it goes.

1.      Anderson and Haupl Concept
2.      Selmer-Olsen, Herren [1953], Harvold [1974], and Woodside Concept
3.      Eschler Concept 
Anderson and Haupl Concept : 
·          Vertical registration should not exceed its postural rest position (not more than 4 mm)
·          Myotactic Reflex
·          Isometric contraction 
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 Selmer-Olsen, Herren [1953], Harvold [1974], and Woodside Concept
·        Vertical dimension is opened 4 - 6 mm, a maximum of 4mm beyond the postural rest position  by Herren and Harvold
·        Vertical opening 10-15 mm beyond postural rest position by Woodside
·        Viscoelasticity of muscle and soft tissue
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3. Eschler Concept :
·        Vertical opening beyond  4 mm
·        Isotonic and Isometric contraction cycle
·        Insertion of the appliance the mandible is elevated by isotonic muscle contractions.
Mandible assumes a static position in contact with the appliance, isometric contractions arise. Mandible cannot reach the postural rest position, the elevators remain stretched. When fatigue occurs, the contracting muscles relax and the mandible drops.  As soon as the muscles have recovered, the cycle begins again. 
Four possibilities for posturing the mandible in  the  antero-posteior  dimension for functional orthopaedic appliance
1. Original sagittal jaw relationship may be maintained
2.   Mandible postured Forward equally on both
3.   Mandible postured forward in one side
4. Mandible  postured  backward  as much  as  possible  for  an  end  to end

1.   Original sagittal jaw relationship may be maintained
       As  in a neutrocclusion with class  II  type of excessive  incisor  overjet and overbite
       Class II relationship due to maxillary protraction  
2. Mandible postured Forward equally on both
Bilaterally symmetrical class II condition 
3. Mandible postured forward in one side
        Functional  midline  shift   Class  II  div,  Class  div  2  and  Class  III condition  
4. Mandible postured backward as much as possible for an end to end   relationship
       Class III malocclusions

Analysis of  Construction Bite Maneuver :
·        Class II div I cases  :  Vertical opening accentuates the class II relationship
·        Adjustment of occlusion to Class I relationship require      : 
·        Distalization of maxillary arch  but it is not easy with functional appliance
·        So stimulation of mandibular horizontal growth component at condyle   with dental compensation by mesiovertical eruption of lower posterior teeth
·        Some labial tipping of lower incisor and lingual tipping of maxillary teeth are also part of dental compensation to be expected 
·        If the problem is Functional retrusion with the path of closure upward and backward from postural rest to occlusion, sagittal correction compensation will be less.
·        Class  I  deep  bite  malocclusion  :  Construction  bite  is  taken  with  (1-2  mm) advancement  :
-       Mandible drop back as it open into class II tendency 
-      Which must be compensated with this slight advancement

1.      Neumann and  Eschler : Greatest possible advancement with which patient is comfortable . Try to avoid step wise advancement as recommended by Frankel
2.      Neumann   : Mandibular advancement :  the width of an entire tooth  (1st Pre) in case of mixed as well as permanent dentition
3.      Petrovic, Studzmann, Oudet, Mcnamara, Frankel  :  Greatest condylar growth from repetitive advancement in small increments

      Midline coincidence should be carefully checked
      Upper and lower midlines are coincident in habitual occlusion and the sagittal relationship is bilaterally symmetrical : No need to make any transverse compensations
      Midlines should line up in the same forward posturing in the same relationship as in habitual occlusion
      Upper and lower midlines do not coincide :  Must find due to maxillary or mandibular  fault
      Patient is observed in the postural rest to  check midlines and is then asked to slowly close the mouth into full habitual occlusion
       Any shift from one side to another, the occlusal interference should be checked.
      Construction bite should line up with midlines of maxilla and mandible , regardless of shifting of teeth in one jaw or other
      Dental midline discrepancies  : Corrected later with fixed appliance
      Unilateral asymmetry cases :  Making a flush terminal plane into a full class II malocclusion on one side 
      Thus correcting the midline in the construction bite to coincide with the muscularly determined midline in postural rest  also have an effect on the sagittal relationship
       Upper and lower midlines do not coincide :  Must find due to maxillary or  mandibular  fault
       Patient is observed in the postural rest to  check midlines and is then asked to slowly close the mouth into full habitual occlusion
      Any  shift  from  one  side  to  another,  the  occlusal  interference  should  be checked.
      Construction  bite  should  line  up  with  midlines  of  maxilla  and  mandible  , regardless of shifting of teeth in one jaw or other 

Diagnostic Preparation
      Patient compliance  is essential
      Clinically assess not only somatic and psychological aspect  of patient but also Patient’s motivation potential
      Enhanced by creating “Instant correction” : Moving  mandible forward into an anterior , more normal sagittal relationship
Study Model Analysis
·        First permanent molar relationship in habitual occlusion is determined
·        Nature  of  the  midline  discrepancy.  (  Functional   Analysis  should  made  to determine the path of  closure from postural rest to occlusion )
·        Cast register  a change in midline from postural rest to full occlusion : Functional      Problem
·        Dentoalveolar non coincident midlines cannot be corrected
·        Symmetry of dental arches is determined
·        Curve of spee evaluation
·        Crowding and dental discrepancies are checked and measured  :  (Determine
requirements and possibilities  lower incisor movement )

Functional Analysis
1.      Performed  before  taking  the  construction  bite  to  obtain  the  following information
2.      Accurate  registration  of  the  rest  position  :  Vertical  opening  of construction bite depend on this  
3.      Path of closure from postural rest to habitual occlusion is analysed:  Any sagittal or transverse deviations are recorded.
4.      Prematurities, point  of  initial  contact,  occlusal  interferences,  and resultant mandibular displacements, if any, are checked.
5.      TMJ is carefully palpated for clicking, crepitus and so forth , which might  be  characteristic  of  a  functional  abnormality  :  Need modification of design of appliance
6.       Inter  occlusal  clearance  or  freeway  space  is  checked  several times ,and the mean amount is recorded.
7.      Respiration is checked for any deviation from normal

Cephalometric  Analysis
Most  important  information  required  for planning for the construction bite includes the following:-
1.      Direction of growth : Average , horizontal or vertical
2.      Differentiation between the position and the size of the jaw bases
3.      Axial  inclination and  the position of maxillary and mandibular incisors determined. :  (  Provide  important  diagnostic  and  prognostic  clues  for  determining the anterior  position of  mandible and appliance  design details for incisor area )

·        Horse shoe shaped wax bite rim
·        Impressed on lower cast, edge of incisors not covered by wax
·        Midlines are marked in the wax
·        Distal half of last molars not covered by wax.
·        Not to touch the gingiva behind last molars
-         For class II cases : wax rim is placed in lower arch
-          For class III cases : wax rim is placed in upper arch


1.      Make the patient sit upright in the relaxed posture, guide the  mandible into desired position without exerting force
2.      Wax is placed in mouth after the operator is sure the patient can replicate
3.      Edge to edge incisal relation is maintained ( Usually )
4.      Midline is observed for coincidence
5.      Wax bite is carefully removed

 Wax Bite Visualization
  Mixed dentition : 
      Sometimes difficult  to determine  precisely  how much mandible  has  been moved forward in the construction bite ( wax roll covering the tooth contact surface )  :Cutting away extruded lateral wax helps visualization 
      Bilateral symmetrical malocclusion  is  to check  the deciduous canine as a guide  : Upper  deciduous canine cusp tip  fit into embrasure  between lower deciduous  canine and lower  deciduous first molar
   Permanent dentition
      Tip  of  the  buccal  cusp  of  the  upper  first  premolar  serves  well  as  a  guide point. : It Fit precisely in to the embrasure between the lower first and second  premolars.
1.      If  the  Forward  positioning  of  the  mandible  is  7mm  to  8  mm,  the  vertical opening must to slight to moderate (2mm to 4mm)
2.      If  the  forward positioning  is no more  than  3mm to 5mm,  the vertical opening should be 4mm to 6mm
3.      Midline correction 
        Assessment of construction bite determines the kind of muscle stimulation , the frequency of mandibular movements and the duration of the effective  forces
  Frequency Of Maximal Biting {Sander}
      6 mm high CB      : 12.5 % of sleeping time
      11 mm high CB.    : 1.1 % of sleeping time
      13 mm high CB     :  0.8 % of sleeping time
       Many  experimental  research  and  clinical  experience   says  increased  in  muscle  activation  with  overextended  appliances  does  not increase the efficiency of the appliance

 Low construction with a marked forward positioning of the mandible
·        Class II functional mandibular  retrusion cases
·        Indication : Class II div I cases with sufficient overjet [ Horizontal Growers]
·        Sagittal advancement at  least 3 mm posterior  to  the most protrusive position  of mandible   : Avoid  the  possibility  to   initiating  golgi  tendon organ  activity ( Rule of thumb limitation )
·        Vertical registration should not exceed its postural rest position (not more than  4 mm)  { Anderson  & Haupl Concept }
·        Mandible moves mesially  to engage  the appliance,  the elevator muscles of mastication are activated  and myotatic reflex occur
·        Muscle  force  during  biting  and  swallowing  +  reflex  stimulation  of muscle spindles elicit reflex muscle activity  [ K.E Principle ]
·        Horizontal “H” activator 
High construction bite with slight anterior mandibular positioning:
      Indication :  Class II Div I  retromadibular cases [ Vertical Growth pattern ]
      Sagittal opening only 3-5 mm ahead of habitual occlusion
      Vertical dimension is opened 4 - 6 mm, a maximum of 4mm beyond the postural rest position { Herren , Harvold , Woodside Concept }
      Appliances induce some  Myotactic reflex  in the muscles of mastication
      Additional force by stretching of the muscles and soft tissue [ Viscoelastic property ]
      Stretching of muscles and soft tissue  cause MOA [ P.E Principle ]
      • Stretch  reflex  activation  with  increased  vertical   dimension  may  well  influence the inclination of maxillary base : Retroclination of maxilla
      Lingual tipping of upper and labial tipping of lower incisors
      V Activator

 Construction Bite without Forward Positioning Of The Mandible:
Vertical Dimension Problems 
1.      Deep Bite
2.      Open Bite
3.      Arch Deficiency Problems 
Deep Bite Cases
      Dentoalveolar overbite  (supra eruption of  incisors and  infraocclusion of molars)  :
      Moderate or high CB depend on freeway space size
      Deep overbite ( supraocclusion of the incisors ) : CB is not as high, Acrylic capping on incisors 
      Skeletal deep overbite ( Horizontal growth pattern ) : High CB  5-6 mm beyond  freeway  space  ,  extrusion  of  lower molars,  loading  of  lower incisors.

 Open Bite Cases
      Bite opening 4-5 mm  :  Develop a sufficient elastic depressing force  that will load the molars that are in premature contact
       Dentoalveolar  open  bite  :   treated  by  proper  trimming  of  acrylic  in  the anterior region- allowing incisor eruption
      Retroclination  of  maxillary  base  with  restriction  of  vertical  growth pattern ( Precondition for successful therapy )
      Closing  the  „ V  ‟  between upper and  lower maxillary bases  : Depressing the posterior maxillary segment
      Surgical open bite cannot be treat with activator ( Impacted posterior segment )

 Arch Length Deficiency Problems
• Advancement  :   2 mm     +     Vertical opening : 2 mm 
• Advancement to compensate for downward and backward opening component

 Construction Bite With Opening And Posterior Positioning Of Mandible
      Indication  : Class III malocclusion
      Construction bite  is taken in the retruded  position of lower jaw
      Vertical opening  far enough to clear the incisal guidance.

              According to Balter, the equilibrium between the tongue and circumoral muscles is responsible for the shape of dental arches and intercuspation. Functional space  for  the  tongue  is essential  for  development of orofacial system . A  discoordination  of  its  functions  could   lead  to  abnormal  growth  and  actual deformation .
      Bionators modulate  the muscle activity
      Enhancing normal development of inherent growth pattern
      Eliminating abnormal and potentially deforming environmental factors


     Objective  :  To establish a class I relationship

     Most important : Position of incisors as established by construction bite
1.      Edge to edge incisor relationship :  Maximum functional space for tongue
2.      In  Large   Overjet  cases  :  Step  by  step  protraction  is  followed  and  lower incisors must be covered by grooved rim            
3.      New appliance with edge to edge incisor relationship  or   Step 3 may followed
4.      An additional maxillary incisal margin acrylic  restraint may be used ( by adding acrylic on mandibular incisor acrylic cover right at incisal margin )
Large Overjet case
      Not open the bite higher because a high construction bite could impair tongue function and the patient could actually acquire a tongue thrust habit as the mandible dropped open.
Open bite
      Used to inhibit abnormal posture and function of tongue
      Construction bite as low as possible
      Vertical opening allows the interposition of posterior acrylic bite blocks
-         That prevent extrusion of posterior teeth.

 Class III Bionator CB
      Construction bite  is  taken  in  the most posterior  position  that  is possible  of mandible
      Allow  labial movement  of maxillary  incisors  and  retrusive  effect  on  lower anteriors
      Bite opening  : 2  mm is recommended
  Construction Bite of bionator in TMJ problem
      Special use of Bionator with success achieved ( Especially in adult cases )
      Bionator wearing at night relaxes the muscle spasms ( LPM)
      Same design as standard appliance
      Construction bite need not move mandible as far forward
      Main purpose  :  Prevents riding of condyle over posterior edge of the disk , which causes clicking
      Bionator maintains a  forward position preventing deleterious Para  functional habits at night 
       Slight opening of construction bite with lower incisor capping is also needed

General principles
Primary aim of functional therapy is to :
      Overcome aberrant postural behavior of associated perioral muscles
      Treatment of Maxillo-mandibuar malrelationship to overcome the associated faulty pattern of postural performances.
      Accomplished by gradual training of muscles.
      Therefore  the extent of original change in the mandibular positioning should be minimal. 
  Construction Bite Of FR Ia and FR Ib
  Minor sagittal problems (2-4 mm) 
      Bite is taken in an end to end  incisal position
      No obvious strain on facial muscles
      Balance between protractor and retractor muscles are not disturbed
      Frankel  recommended  the  CB  should  not  move  the  mandible  forward farther than 2.5 – 3 mm
      Vertical opening is only large enough to permit the cross over wires to pass through the interocclusal area.

Schmuth( 1995)  : 
      Most Patient  tolerate  4-6 mm of  forward movement   and opening  :which  allows an end to end incisal relationship to be established for most class II malocclusions
      Vertical opening must be at  least 2.5 – 3.5 mm  in  the buccal segments  to  allow crossover wires to pass through

 Construction Bite Of FR Ic   
      Indication : more severe Class II div 1 cases  overjet more than 7 mm
      Step by step advancement
- 4-6 mm of forward movement
- 2.5  to 3.5 mm vertical opening
Construction Bite Of FR II
      Sagittal advancement is minimal : 2-3 mm
      Wider open construction bite in class II div 2 cases
      Wide  CB Enhance selective eruption of lower buccal segments.
  Construction Bite Of FR III
      Construction  bite  cause  posterior  position  of   the  mandible  as  much  as
      Condyles occupying most posterior position of fossa
      Bite Opening  is only enough  to allow  the maxillary  incisors  to move  labially past the mandibular incisors in crossbite correction
      Bite opening is kept to a minimum to allow lip closure with minimal strain
      Lip seal exercises can  improve  redundant and everted  lower  lips of patient with mandibular prognathism

 Maximal Posterior Condylar Position
      Clinician  gently  taps  on  patient’s  mandible  while  patient  opens  the  bite approximately 1 cm
      Continues tapping and  asks the patient to close slowly 
      Guides the final closure with posterior pressure applied by the thumb against the symphysis and forefinger under the chin.
      Maintains the position for 1-2 mins ( for establishment of proprioceptive learning position )
      Posterior guidance is essential during bite taking procedure
Construction bite for class III deep bite cases
      Wider vertical opening for construction bite 
      To stimulate for downward and forward eruption of maxillary teeth
      Acrylic  extension and occlusal rests  may be placed over mandibular molars
provides more stability

 Class II div 1 cases with Deep overbite
·        Exactobite is designed to register (  Blue  colour )
·        • 5  –  10  mm  anterior   advancement  on  initial  activation    of  twinblock  depending on the freedom of movement of protrusive function
·        Bite registered at  edge to edge on incisors
-         Inter incisal clearance      : 2 mm 
-         Premolar clearance          : 5-6 mm 
-         Molar region clearance   : 2 mm 

·        This   clearance   is  used  for  eruption  of  posterior  teeth  to  reduce  the overbite 
·        Large overjet  : Step wise  advancement  needed

 Class II div 2 Cases
·        CB is registered with the incisors in edge to edge  occlusion
·        Overbite is excessive : Clearance between the posterior teeth is correspondingly increased
·        These patients require more vertical development : So thicker occlusal bite block in premolar region to allow clearance of upper and lower incisor 
Open bite cases
·        Thicker  Exactobite is designed to register (  White colour)
-         Interincisal clearance                                      :  4 mm 
-         Clearance 1st  premolars  or deciduous molars   :  5 mm
·        Necessary to accommodate  blocks of sufficient thickness between the  posterior teeth to open the bite beyond the free-way space so as to intrude  the posterior teeth
·        Objective is to make  it difficult for the patient to disengage the blocks
·        Bite registration process is similar as  described for treatment of deep overbite

Class III Cases 
·        Blue exactobite is used to register CB
·        Teeth closed to the position of maximum retrusion
·        2 mm interincisal clearance – sufficient space for occlusal bite blocks

1. Warm water bath
2. Modelling wax
3. Dowel
4. Exacto bite
5. George gauge
6. 3D Bite

Dowel-up Bite Registration For Functional Appliances
·        The bite opening can vary from 2 to 8 mm
·        Vertical  opening  with  the  jaw  protruded  can  be  controlled  by  adjusting where the patient bites on the conical end of the dowel
·        Bite opening  in excess of 8 mm needed  : Wooden dowel of appropriate diameter can be used. • The point of a dowel is placed between the patient's anterior teeth at the midline
·        The stick may be sharpened in an ordinary pencil sharpener
        The dowel is held firmly between the teeth in the patient's habitual bite 

Procedural steps for the dowel-up technique are follows:
       Rehearse  the  procedure  by  having  the  patient  bite  lightly  on  the  end  of  a
wooden dowel (Fig 1) 
Place  the  opposite  spines  on  the  dowel  shaft  on  the  upper  and  lower midlines.
1.        Insert  or withdraw  the  conical  end  of  the  sharpened  dowel  until  the  patient's jaw is at the  desired vertical position. 
2.        Request  the  patient  to  raise  the  tip  of  the  dowel  until  the  required  amount of jaw protrusion is obtained  (Fig. 2).
3.        Remove the dowel and place a roll of heavy-bodied impression material on the  occlusal and  incisal surfaces of the lower teeth  Again have the patient bite on the  sharpened end  of the dowel and repeat step 1 (b)While the impression material is  setting, the patient can  support the dowel with their hand 

4.    Mould the impression material to the buccal sections and around the dowel (

5.        Remove dowel with  the bite  registration when  the  impression material has  set.
6.        Place casts in the impression for laboratory procedures.
Exacto bite
·        Accurate control in registering a protrusive bite
·        Gauge allows clinician  to choose variable amounts of sagittal activation by  selecting  appropriate  groove  to  engage  the  upper  incisors  in registering protrusive bite
  Two types :
1.    Blue exactobite      :  Registers a 2mm vertical interincisal clearance 
2.    White exactobite      :  Registers a 4mm vertical interincisal clearance
    Activation  aims  to  achieve  reduction  of  overjet  ,correction  of  distal occlusion and midline correction.

Adjustable  George  Gauge  can  be  preset  to  guide  the  mandible  into  the desired  construction  bite  position,  relative  to  either  the  incisors  or  the protrusive path  
Description: Image result for george gauge
Parts of George Gauge
1.    Lower incisor clamp
2.    Bitefork
3.    Body

 Lower incisor clamp slides in and out of the body,  forming the lingual wall of the lower incisor notch. It  can be adjusted to fit over rotated incisors.
Bitefork  :  which also slides in and out, contains the perforated prongs that hold the registration material,  the upper  incisor notch, and the shaft whose anterior  end  indicates mandibular  position  on  the millimeter  scale  of  the body . Bite forks are available in two incisor notch sizes, one producing a 2mm interincisal distance and the other, 5mm. 1.

Registration Technique
1.             With the bitefork removed, center the lower incisor notch over the lower anterior teeth . Move the lower incisor clamp up so that it grips the teeth firmly, and tighten the lower turnscrew
2.             Remove the instrument from the mouth and insert the bite fork
-         Replace the gauge in the mouth with the lower incisor notch centered over the lower midline.
-         Instruct the patient to close into the upper incisor notch while the midline indicator is   positioned between the upper incisors 
 If the incisors are badly rotated, the upper notch can be modified with an acrylic bur.
3.             With the upper and lower incisors in their respective notches, have the patient move the mandible first into centric relation, then into full protrusion, and note these positions on the millimeter scale

4.      Select the desired bite position from this range of protrusion. Remove the gauge from the mouth, set the bitefork to the desired position on the millimeter scale, and tighten the upper turn screw.
5.       Cover the prongs of the bitefork with registration material (Fig. 5).


      Baseplate wax cut into 3'‘ x 1½'' pieces can be heated in water or over a flame and wrapped around each prong.
      Silicone putty is easier to use and provides a more accurate and durable record.
6.      Return the gauge with the impression material to the mouth, with the lower incisor notch centered over the lower midline. Hand the patient a mirror, and instruct the patient to close into the upper incisor notch, taking care to align the upper incisors with the midline indicator (Fig. 6).
        If a midline discrepancy is to be maintained, a mark can be made on the maxillary incisor to guide the patient.
7.       Excess registration material trimmed to about t mm from occlusal surfaces

3D bite”:  A new appliance device   for registration of construction  bite

How  It works
-         After a thorough examination of the patient, and according to the treatment concept and patient’s need, the clinician decides to advance the mandible for  x mm  ,to open the bite for  y mm  and to displace the midline  z mm
To advance the mandible for  x mm 
By moving the  upper part  [Figure  1a‑number 1] against the lower  part  [Figure  1a‑number  2], the clinician can obtain x mm of advancement and this number is shown in the anterioposterior ruler [Figure 1a‑number 3] located on the upper part.

To open the bite for  y mm
A vertical opening can be obtained by opening the screw  [Figure  1a‑number4] and the  amount of bite opening is shown by the vertical ruler  [Figure  1a‑number 5]

To displace the midline  z mm

Midline correction  can be done by locating the upper midline blade [Figure 1a‑number 6] between upper centrals moving  the transverse bar  [Figure  1b‑number  7] through its  sheath  [Figure  1b‑number 8]; the amount of midline  shift is shown on the top of the transverse bar
·        Then the clinician adds a bite wax to the device [Figure 2a]  and lets the patient bite by locating his or her incisors in the groove [Figure  2b
·        Calibrated appliance is ready to come together with the fork and wax , and it is ready to use
·        Calibrated appliance is ready to come together with the fork and wax. Then it is ready to use

Advantages of 3D Bite
1.      It controls the position of the mandible  in three planes (sagittal, transverse, and vertical)
2.      The amount of anterioposterior advancement, vertical opening, and lateral shift is not limited.
3.      It can hold the mandible forward during cooling of the wax.
4.      There is a minimal need for patient cooperation.
5.      Numerical amount of change can be determined.
6.      The clinician can separate fork and wax and send it to the laboratory for the fabrication of a functional appliance.
7.      Less chair time
8.      It  is very useful in clinical studies that address functional appliances   because of its numerical documentation and high reproducibility
           The  recording of Construction  bite  is  the most  crucial  step  in  treatment
with  functional  appliance  as  the  anterio  -  posterior  and  vertical  dimension
introduced in CB brings about anatomical and physiological changes in relation
to  mandible  ,thereby  influence  its  final  position  and  therefore  the  treatment
           So  better   understanding  of    construction  bite  and  bite  registration  is
necessary for the treatment success as an orthodontist as concerned

1.      Removable orthodontic appliance  :  T.M Graber , Bedrich Newmann, 2nd ed
2.      Dentofacial orthopaedics with functional appliances :Graber ,Rakosi ,Petrovic – 2nd ed
3.      3. Twin block functional therapy   : William J Clarke
4.      Frankel appliance therapy 
5.      The dowel-up bite registration for functional appliances. John J. Sheridan AJO DO 1983 ; 84(5) 5.
6.      A  New  Instrument  for  Functional  Appliance  Bite  Registration  .  PETER  T. GEORGE. JCO 1992: 26(11) 721-3
7.      “3D bite”: A new appliance device for registration of construction bite Mojgan Kachoei and Ahmad Behroozian. Dent Res J (Isfahan). 2012 Nov-Dec; 9(6): 826–827


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